Learning, Unlearning and Relearning
What's the deal with change? Seems like there are two basic reactions to change; first are the people who hate or fear it and will resist it at all cost (sometimes literally), then there are those who embrace it, look forward to it and welcome it. If you are in the first group, let us gently share with you that change is inevitable. We’re probably not the first to tell you this. It is nothing new. In fact it is (maybe ironically) the great constant. We learn, we investigate, we evolve and the world must change to fit the evolution. So there, if that's painful to you, we feel for you, but you might as well get on board so you don't get hit or run over by the change train. It's always coming.

May's Fill Your Cup theme is Learning, Unlearning and Relearning - basically the art of living with change. It is an empowered mindset and like we said, change is always coming. How you respond is your choice and it's definitely easier for some than others. But the truth is old systems based on old paradigms and beliefs cease to function when we uncover the fallacy of the beliefs. And that's how society works - when it works. We learn better, then we do better. No matter what age you are, you've got to be learning. There's always new information and it can transform your life for the better! But that often means putting down some old ideas that have comforted you for years but which are no longer relevant or helpful. That's the unlearning part and it can be a challenge too. Things that we were taught in our childhood, teen years and through adulthood and that seem to have served us, are now unveiling themselves to be other than the truth. It could be systems that seem to work for us but we are now seeing that they don't work for others and that's just not right. We need to find systems that support us all, as an Earth community. Doing something that only serves one segment feels like it works for a while but in fact it never did. We are all part of the whole - connected and affected by each other. You can’t subjugate one segment of society and call it healthy. Time for unlearning.

Then of course the next step is the relearning! Researching, listening, having open honest conversations about what is unfolding in our communities and on the planet. Short-sighted solutions must be released in exchange for longer-term thinking that serves the whole. If we think we're not connected, think again. We are absolutely connected and what we do affects us all. If we are not acting in ways to support the whole but instead lifting one segment at the expense of another we are morally and effectively bankrupt. It's not sustainable and why would we want it to be? This is true for you personally as a human being as well. What stories did you learn as a child that you still cling to even though experience has demonstrated them to no longer serve you? We've all got them. Some are bigger than others and we can do better. We can let go of that which no longer serves us or the planet and learn the new ideas that do. There is a rising youth in the world that seems to understand this innately and they are stepping out in their power to do it differently. We can learn from them.They're not too fond of some of the systems that we and our parents and grandparents created when we were doing the best we could. They're the ones inheriting this planet and they have new eyes to see it differently. They are the ones who will lead us into the future. Our job is to support them. Check ourselves and bring the wisdom we do have. The uplifting and empowering wisdom and drop to old biases, false beliefs and paradigms that do not serve us all.

So this month we encourage you to look at your life and the values and principles that you have based it on. Examine them with fresh eyes and see if they are truly serving you and the greater community of Earth dwellers. Second, listen to our youth. Open up your mind and hear what they're saying. Don't go into this conversation with the idea that you're right and they're wrong. Listen to the arguments they are espousing and consider them with an open hearted mind. You can actually learn a lot from our youth if you're willing and that's good for everyone. Finally, take some active steps to embrace the new paradigms and truths that are unfolding for the good of all right now. It's going to feel a little uncomfortable. Change does, that's how it works. For both baby and mother birth is uncomfortable but essential. When our bodies grow it can be painful but it's important. Learning something new, moving to a new home, starting a new job, all uncomfortable but part of our growth and evolution. We are living on the planet during a time of great change. Take a breath. Open your heart and mind and consider the possibility that something better is unfolding.
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